Programming Screencasts


Ep #17. How To Make Less Dumb Mistakes When Programming

I believe a surer route to good programming is focusing on avoiding mistakes ...

Ep #18. How To Avoid Dumb Code Mistakes Part II

Continuing on from part I, this week focuses on easily avoidable mistakes. It...

Ep #19. How To Avoid Dumb Code Mistakes Part III

Continuing on from part III, this episode focuses on reducing silly mistakes ...

Ep #34. How to Learn to Code I: Use SRS and Anki

I believe spaced repetition systems (SRS) are the fastest way to learn how to...

Ep #35. How to Learn to Code II: Keep a Code Diary

Some programming knowledge is more squishy than technical. What are the pros ...

Ep #43. The No-Framework Framework: JavaScript Without React Part I

How I improved my programming speed by replacing React with plain JavaScript

Ep #44. The No-Framework Framework: JavaScript Without React Part II

How to lean on the DOM to reduce JavaScript bloat and frameworrk addiction

Ep #45. Rails Best Practices I

Today I share some of my favorite practices applicable to Ruby on Rails (and ...

Ep #46. Rails Best Practices II

Continuing on from the last video, I share even more of my best practices for...