Hi, my name is Jack Kinsella. I'm obsessed with the question "how can we build better software?" Better
can mean less bugs, it can mean less expensive to maintain, it can mean easier
to understand. It can even mean more fun to develop.
Therefore my screencasts focus on topics like:
Trick question. I don't focus on any particular language — rather I focus on deeper ideas and use whatever language is lying around as a way to demonstrate those ideas. In my first ten episodes, for example, I used SQL, PHP, Bash, Ruby, JavaScript, Python, and SCSS, just to name a few. Don't worry if you don't know the languages — I'll always explain enough for you to follow.
Immediately after graduating from Oxford University, I started Oxbridge Notes and have now lived as an indie-hacker for over a decade. I'm Irish, live in Berlin during summer, and spend the winters in South-East Asia. Reading books (mostly non-fiction) and playing music (choral singing, piano, ukulele, Ableton Live) are my main hobbies.
The main place I share my work is through my newsletter. It's free and thousands of people subscribe. No spam. All that's there are thoughts and ideas about programming better.
Just enter your email address below and you'll be ready to go
PS: I am extremely outgoing. I love hearing from new people, so don't be afraid to reply to me on my mailing list, write separately (semicolonandsons at gmail 'daught' com) or tweet (@jackkinsella)