This is part of the Semicolon&Sons Code Diary - consisting of lessons learned on the job. You're in the web-development category.
Last Updated: 2025-02-20
I had a deploy script ./bin/deploy
that went something like this:
echo "> Ensuring remote git repo has the right code to send to the server"
git push origin
echo "> Pulling latest code onto server then building containers"
ssh $server "(cd $deploy_dir && git pull -s recursive -X theirs && make build_production)"
When I ran this script, I got a bunch of error output from git, something along the lines of "git doesn't know who you are. Please enter in your email and name".
The problem was that I couldn't tell if this was git
on my machine or git
on the server - both were plausible based on what the script did.
Therefore, there should have been a way to prepend any output from the server with "Server: " in order to differentiate it.
Here's how:
# Using "ls -a" as a dummy command to run on the server
$ ssh $server "ls -a" | sed "s/^/Server: /"
Server: ..
Server: .bash_history
Server: .bashrc
Server: .cache