This is part of the Semicolon&Sons Code Diary - consisting of lessons learned on the job. You're in the web-development category.
Last Updated: 2025-02-20
I woke up and noticed tens of spurious-looking add-to-carts in my non-UK websites.
When I added to a product to the cart from my Irish website, caused nothing happened on the UI front. Nothing was added to cart. Inspecting the JavaScript errors, I saw that it failed due to CORS:
Access to XMLHttpRequest at '' from origin '' has been blocked by CORS policy: No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource.
The issue was that my button for adding to cart used a url
for the wrong
domain under my control, and that request failed because I had no CORS set up.
Rails.application.config.middleware.insert_before 0, Rack::Cors do
allow do
origins Config::MY_DOMAINS.split(',').map { |origin| origin.strip }
resource '*',
headers: :any,
methods: [:get, :post, :put, :patch, :delete, :options, :head]