This is part of the Semicolon&Sons Code Diary - consisting of lessons learned on the job. You're in the unix category.
Last Updated: 2025-02-20
The socket is the BSD method for accomplishing interprocess communication (IPC). What this means is a socket is used to allow one process to speak to another, very much like the telephone is used to allow one person to speak to another.
system callIn order for a person to receive telephone calls, she must first have a telephone installed. Likewise you must create a socket to listen for connections. This process involves several steps. First you must make a new socket, which is similar to having a telephone line installed. The socket() command is used to do this.
Per the man page
socket() creates an endpoint for communication and returns a descriptor.
Since sockets can have several types, you must specify what type of socket you
want when you create one. One option that you have is the addressing format of a
socket. Just as the mail service uses a different scheme to deliver mail than
the telephone company uses to complete calls, so can sockets differ. The two
most common addressing schemes are AF_UNIX
addressing uses
UNIX pathnames to identify sockets; these sockets are very useful for IPC
between processes on the same machine. AF_INET
addressing uses Internet
addresses which are four-byte numbers usually written as four decimal numbers
separated by periods (such as In addition to the machine address,
there is also a port number which allows more than one AF_INET
socket on each
Another option which you must supply when creating a socket is the type of
socket. The two most common types are SOCK_STREAM
indicates that data will come across the socket as a stream of characters, while
indicates that data will come in bunches (called datagrams)
As the manual page says, Unix sockets are always reliable. The difference
is in the semantics of consuming data out
of the socket.
Stream socket allows for reading arbitrary number of bytes, but still preserving byte sequence. In other words, a sender might write 4K of data to the socket, and the receiver can consume that data byte by byte. The other way around is true too - sender can write several small messages to the socket that the receiver can consume in one read. Stream socket does not preserve message boundaries.
Datagram socket, on the other hand, does preserve these boundaries - one write
by the sender always corresponds to one read by the receiver (even if receiver's
buffer given to read(2) or recv(2) is smaller then that message - recv
can be
used to specify how many bytes to read with stream sockets.)
So if your application protocol has small messages with a known upper bound on
message size you are better off with SOCK_DGRAM
since that's easier to manage.
After creating a socket, we must give the socket an address to listen to, just as you get a telephone number so that you can receive calls. The bind() function is used to do this (it binds a socket to an address, hence the name).
bind() assigns a socket to an address. When a socket is created using socket(), it is only given a protocol family, but not assigned an address. This association with an address must be performed with the bind() system call
require "socket"'localhost',3000)
loop do
Thread.start(dts.accept) do |s|
print(s, " is accepted\n")
print(s, " is gone\n")
You first load the socket library with the require command. The TCPServer class
is a helper class for building TCP socket servers. The'localhost', 20000)
statement creates a new socket identified by
localhost and port number. The Thread.start creates and runs a new thread to
execute instructions given in block. Any arguments passed to Thread.start are
passed into the block. The dts.accept
method waits for a connection on dts, and
returns a new TCPSocket object connected to the caller. The Kernel.loop iterator
calls the associated block (do...end) forever or at least until you break out of
the loop. We use s.write(
to write the current date and time on the
server to the socket. Finally, we write s.close
to close a socket using the
close method. This method is inherited from the IO class, but it's available for
each of the socket types.
The one liner : bind() to own address, connect() to remote address.