This is part of the Semicolon&Sons Code Diary - consisting of lessons learned on the job. You're in the unix category.
Last Updated: 2025-03-06
Given the PID of a process with a pipe, run $ lsof -p $PID
. Some of the output will have a column PIPE.
Python 3636 jack 2u unix 0xa450889cddebc233 0t0 ->0xa450889cddebc7ab
Python 3636 jack 4 PIPE 0xa450889cdbfdba7b 16384 ->0xa450889cdbfd9a3b
Now grep the output of system wide lsof
(i.e. unconstrained to one pid) for
that memory address associated with the pipe:
lsof -n -P | grep 0xa450889cdbfdba7b
Python 3636 jack 4 PIPE 0xa450889cdbfdba7b 16384 ->0xa450889cdbfd9a3b
Python 4932 jack 0 PIPE 0xa450889cdbfd9a3b 16384 ->0xa450889cdbfdba7b
Ah ha, process 4932 is the other end of that pipe!
For the next step, on macos at least, we need dtruss
. Its full features are
disabled due to System Integrity Protection, so boot in recovery mode (Command +
R on startup) and disable just for dstruss
: csrutil enable --without dtrace
After restarting, run $ sudo dtruss -p 3636
. Sure enough, I see the function signatures in dtruss
stat64("/private/tmp/baby-py/\0", 0x7FFEE1EE7F10, 0x0) = 0 0
open("/private/tmp/baby-py/\0", 0x1000000, 0x1B6) = 4 0
fstat64(0x4, 0x7FFEE1EE8528, 0x0) = 0 0
lseek(0x4, 0x0, 0x1) = 0 0
fstat64(0x4, 0x7FFEE1EE8510, 0x0) = 0 0
read(0x4, "def sales():\n return 22\n\035\374\r\001\214\022is_allowed_getattr\224\214\005Fa
You might say there is too much info there — so how about limiting what is seen to write
$ sudo dtruss -p 3728 -f -t write
3728/0x55df: write(0x1, "Content-Length: 2087\r\nContent-Type: application/vscode-jsonrpc; charset=utf8\r\n\r\n{\"jsonrpc\":\"2.0\",\"id\":79,\"result\":{\"isIncomplete\":false,\"items\":[{\"label\":\"abc\",\"kind\":9,\"detail\":\"abc\",\"documentation\":\"\",\"sortText\":\"aabc\",\"insertText\":\"abc\"},{\"label\":\"aifc\"", 0x877) = 2167 0
3728/0x55df: write(0x1, "Content-Length: 92\r\nContent-Type: application/vscode-jsonrpc; charset=utf8\r\n\r\n{\"jsonrpc\":\"2.0\",\"id\":80,\"result\":[{\"startLine\":3,\"endLine\":4},{\"startLine\":7,\"endLine\":8}]}\0", 0xAA)
It looks like 0x1 is getting some string output