This is part of the Semicolon&Sons Code Diary - consisting of lessons learned on the job. You're in the unix category.
Last Updated: 2025-02-20
Just separate them by ;
in the same sed command string.
$ echo "2 + 2 = foo_bar" | sed 's/+/-/g; s/_/\&/g';
# 2 - 2 = foo&bar
Say the original line is
"database": "bitbucket:someone/database#0.0.1"
sed -i '' 's/database#[0-9]*\.[0-9]*\.[0-9]*/database#0.0.2/g' filename
-i ''
bit makes the edit happen in place. Note that this is a separate pair of quotation marks to the one in the substitution command[0-9]
for digits because \d
is not supported in sedThe base amount is sed '2p'
. But the problem with this is that it also shows all the original input:
ps aux | grep gunicorn | sort -k 2 -t " " | sed '2p'
jackkinsella 65762 0.0 0.1 408897152 35200 s004 S+ 2:43PM 0:00.23 /Users/jackkinsella/.virtualenvs/morphmarket/bin/python /Users/jackkinsella/.virtualenvs/morphmarket/bin/gunicorn mysite.asgi:application --pythonpath mysite --timeout 15 --max-requests 10000 --worker-class uvicorn.workers.UvicornWorker --bind --workers 4
jackkinsella 65763 0.1 0.5 410154144 182496 s004 S+ 2:43PM 0:02.31 /Users/jackkinsella/.virtualenvs/morphmarket/bin/python /Users/jackkinsella/.virtualenvs/morphmarket/bin/gunicorn mysite.asgi:application --pythonpath mysite --timeout 15 --max-requests 10000 --worker-class uvicorn.workers.UvicornWorker --bind --workers 4
jackkinsella 65763 0.1 0.5 410154144 182496 s004 S+ 2:43PM 0:02.31 /Users/jackkinsella/.virtualenvs/morphmarket/bin/python /Users/jackkinsella/.virtualenvs/morphmarket/bin/gunicorn mysite.asgi:application --pythonpath mysite --timeout 15 --max-requests 10000 --worker-class uvicorn.workers.UvicornWorker --bind --workers 4
jackkinsella 65764 0.2 0.5 410155168 182688 s004 S+ 2:43PM 0:02.10 /Users/jackkinsella/.virtualenvs/morphmarket/bin/python /Users/jackkinsella/.virtualenvs/morphmarket/bin/gunicorn mysite.asgi:application --pythonpath mysite --timeout 15 --max-requests 10000 --worker-class uvicorn.workers.UvicornWorker --bind --workers 4
jackkinsella 65765 0.1 0.5 410153120 181904 s004 S+ 2:43PM 0:02.65 /Users/jackkinsella/.virtualenvs/morphmarket/bin/python /Users/jackkinsella/.virtualenvs/morphmarket/bin/gunicorn mysite.asgi:application --pythonpath mysite --timeout 15 --max-requests 10000 --worker-class uvicorn.workers.UvicornWorker --bind --workers 4
jackkinsella 65766 0.2 0.5 410154144 183648 s004 S+ 2:43PM 0:02.30 /Users/jackkinsella/.virtualenvs/morphmarket/bin/python /Users/jackkinsella/.virtualenvs/morphmarket/bin/gunicorn mysite.asgi:application --pythonpath mysite --timeout 15 --max-requests 10000 --worker-class uvicorn.workers.UvicornWorker --bind --workers 4
jackkinsella 66390 0.0 0.0 408628368 1648 s001 S+ 2:46PM 0:00.00 grep --color=auto --exclude-dir=.bzr --exclude-dir=CVS --exclude-dir=.git --exclude-dir=.hg --exclude-dir=.svn --exclude-dir=.idea --exclude-dir=.tox gunicorn
~/Code/mm/morphmarket master ● ps aux | grep gunicorn | sort -k 2 -t " " | sed -n '2p'
jackkinsella 65763 0.1 0.5 410154144 182496 s004 S+ 2:43PM 0:02.34 /Users/jackkinsella/.virtualenvs/morphmarket/bin/python /Users/jackkinsella/.virtualenvs/morphmarket/bin/gunicorn mysite.asgi:application --pythonpath mysite --timeout 15 --max-requests 10000 --worker-class uvicorn.workers.UvicornWorker --bind --workers 4
To suppress this -- which you probably always want -- you need the -n
ps aux | grep gunicorn | sort -k 2 -t " " | sed -n '2p'
jackkinsella 65763 0.1 0.5 410154144 182496 s004 S+ 2:43PM 0:02.26 /Users/jackkinsella/.virtualenvs/morphmarket/bin/python /Users/jackkinsella/.virtualenvs/morphmarket/bin/gunicorn mysite.asgi:application --pythonpath mysite --timeout 15 --max-requests 10000 --worker-class uvicorn.workers.UvicornWorker --bind --workers 4