This is part of the Semicolon&Sons Code Diary - consisting of lessons learned on the job. You're in the networking category.
Last Updated: 2025-02-22
I got this error when running the Project M main service via Docker:
{"message":"connectDatabase failed at event sorcerer with the following error: role \"user\" does not exist","error":...}
This was despite running the accompanying DB postgres container they provided. The issue was that their postgres docker container was available (port mapped) on localhost:5432 - which is the same port as the default for postgres running on a host. Therefore the wrong postgres instance (the one on my host vs docker) was being used...
Here is the output of lsof
relating to postgres on my host after stopping
docker. It listens on two TCP ports: 5432 and 60902
# Command | PID | ...
postgres 36880 jack 5u IPv6 0x99adf8619ab18b8d 0t0 TCP [::1]:5432 (LISTEN)
postgres 36880 jack 6u IPv4 0x99adf86188cb0a8d 0t0 TCP (LISTEN)
postgres 36880 jack 10u IPv6 0x99adf8617e115575 0t0 UDP [::1]:60902->[::1]:60902
postgres 36916 jack 10u IPv6 0x99adf8617e115575 0t0 UDP [::1]:60902->[::1]:60902
postgres 36917 jack 10u IPv6 0x99adf8617e115575 0t0 UDP [::1]:60902->[::1]:60902
postgres 36918 jack 10u IPv6 0x99adf8617e115575 0t0 UDP [::1]:60902->[::1]:60902
postgres 36920 jack 10u IPv6 0x99adf8617e115575 0t0 UDP [::1]:60902->[::1]:60902
postgres 36921 jack 10u IPv6 0x99adf8617e115575 0t0 UDP [::1]:60902->[::1]:60902
postgres 36925 jack 10u IPv6 0x99adf8617e115575 0t0 UDP [::1]:60902->[::1]:60902
As a demonstration that entities can listen on the same port, I ran the
following Ruby server using the same 5432
port used by postgres:
require "socket"
server =
loop do
client = server.accept # Wait for a client to connect
client.puts "Hello !"
client.puts "Time is #{}"
This Ruby program should print the current time when I curl localhost:5432
but it does not - presumably because the port is being shadowed by postgres.
If I run lsof
, we see another entry corresponding to this process on the same port (5432)
... # postgres stuff from above
ruby 38127 jack 12u IPv6 0x99adf8619ab1914d 0t0 TCP *:5432 (LISTEN)
If I shut down my local postgres, then curling this Ruby server will work:
$ brew services stop postgresql
# Service stopped
$ curl localhost:5432
Hello !
Time is 2020-03-04 17:14:39 +0700
Inspecting the two sets of output from lsof
above more closely, we see that the
Ruby process was listening to *:5432
whereas postgres was listening more
specifically to
We can confirm that specificity was the issue by modifying the Ruby script above
require "socket"
socket ="", 5432)
Errno::EADDRINUSE (Address already in use - bind(2) for "" port 5432)
Overall, this shows one way in which you can end up having multiple processes
binding to the same TCP port without it complaining (and therefore causing
shadowing). Another way would be if one socket used an option such as
when opening the port.
Be careful about the possibility of two instances of something running on the
same port. Confirm a port is available with $ sudo lsof -i -P -n