Distinguish between defaults replacing whole object or partially applying to just missing keys

This is part of the Semicolon&Sons Code Diary - consisting of lessons learned on the job. You're in the javascript category.

Last Updated: 2025-01-18

I had some trouble getting JavaScript objects arguments to have defaults at certain keys. Here's what I was using:

function doRawCalculation1({cashAmount, assetAmount} = {cashAmount: 0}) {
  return cashAmount + assetAmount

doRawCalculation1({assetAmount: 7})
// => NaN

WTF? Let's add some logging:

 function doRawCalculation1Log({cashAmount, assetAmount} = {cashAmount: 0}) {
   console.log("cash", cashAmount)
   return cashAmount + assetAmount

 doRawCalculation1Log({assetAmount: 7})
  // cash undefined
  // 7

 // i.e. The log show that cashAmount remains undefined.

Is it possible that the default set using that syntax only applies if the whole object is missing?

// cash 0
// undefined

This show that cashAmount is set this time, confirming that the default only works if the whole object is omitted...

The fix is to use an alternative syntax ("inline") to set the defaults

function doRawCalculation2({
   cashAmount = 0,
 }) {
    console.log("cash amount", cashAmount)
   return cashAmount + assetAmount
doRawCalculation2({assetAmount: 7})
// cash amount 0
// 7

// => 7


When settings defaults on an object, ask yourself whether you want to defaults to apply when even single key is missing or only the whole object is missing.