This is part of the Semicolon&Sons Code Diary - consisting of lessons learned on the job. You're in the CSS-and-design category.
Last Updated: 2025-02-22
The key to understanding z-index is to understand stacking contexts - essentially this means that there are different contexts within which z-index is active (akin to groups in photoshop or figma) and z-indexes internal to these groups cannot interact outside of these groups.
Thus "We shouldn't think of z-index purely as a way to change an element's order. We should also think of it as a way to form a group around that element's children. z-index won't work unless a group is formed." - Josh Comeau
Check out this CodePen example
You'll see there are two stacking contexts:
and main
(with div
and p
)Even if you set the div child of main's z-index to infinity, it will appear under the header
, at least so long as the
has a higher z-index than that div's container, main
Reducing stacking contexts too A fix for this, that is almost Xen in its nature, is to remove the z-index
on main
thereby turning what was once two stacking contexts into a single stacking contexts where the z-indexes can interact.
However this won't help you at all if you need to position the parent element (main
) too and cannot afford to remove
its z-index
You can change element ordering by adding position: relative
to an element. It will appear above non-positioned
elements even if these are later in the HTML.
See CodePen
Add both position and z-index styles
.over {
position: relative; /* or absolute or fixed or sticky */
z-index: 1
In general, z-index only works with "positioned" elements (elements that set position to something other than the default static
) But the Flexbox specification adds an exception: flex children can use z-index
even if they're statically-positioned.
E.g. here - with no position in side and just display flex
in the wrapper, zIndex works.
.wrapper {
display: flex;
} {
z-index: 1;
background: hotpink;
margin-top: 20px;
margin-left: -20px;
margin-right: -20px;
<div class="wrapper">
<div class="first box"></div>
<div class="second box"></div>
<div class="third box"></div>
If two positioned elements overlap without a z-index specified, the element positioned last in the HTML code will be shown on top. source
position: relative
or position: absolute
with z-index
to a value less than 1fixed
or sticky
: no z-index
is needed for these values!display: flex
or display: grid
containerisolation: isolate
(More on this soon!)Sometimes the problem is not z-index at all - it is clipping. Try modifying (or removing) overflow
properties to see if that helps.
Try out the isolation
property. It allows you to seal off components from z-Index interactions elsewhere - but without
you needing even change away from position static. The key problem it solves is that normally when you set a zIndex
something to create a stack context, you are also roped into choosing a number for your zIndex
and this has
interaction effects with sibling and parent elements or your chunck of code. See
You might use apply this property to the parent wrapper , then reverse actual z-index
values for internally.
.wrapper {
isolation: isolate;
There are chrome extensions to debug stacking contexts - e.g. this